End User License Agreement
Section 1a: End-User License Agreement ("EULA") General Overview:
IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING ANY SOFTWARE OR PRODUCT FROM ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. The following ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. End-User License Agreement ("EULA") applies to you the individual or organization or entity that is purchasing or using the Product. This is a legal agreement between you the End-"User" (either an individual or an entity) and ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. By purchasing or registering any software, course, or study guide products, you indicate your acceptance of the EULA, agree to be bound by its terms and conditions for use, and acknowledged that YOU ARE NOT PURCHASING THE SOFTWARE OR MATERIALS UNDER THIS LICENSE, BUT RATHER YOU ARE PURCHASING THE RIGHT TO USE IT UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THE EULA, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE OR PRODUCT(S).
Section 1b: End-User License Agreement ("EULA"): All Products
Upon purchase or regitration of any Product from ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. grants you the right to use ONE copy of the software, subscription or study guide product, for a SINGLE user. Access to any content provided on a subscription basis is permitted solely for the registered User. It is the responsibility of the User to protect the confidentiality of access credentials such as login User identification and password. The registered User identification (name) and password may NOT be shared with other users.
You acknowledge the Product is owned and Copyright by ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL, is protected by Romanian copyright laws and international treaty provisions, and will not challenge ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL' Copyright status for said Product. Content within the Product (examples include but are not limited to: Practice Test Software, Study Guide, Web-Based Training, or other provided resource materials) may be owned by ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL and/or an Independent Contractor Author or Publisher, and is protected by Romanian copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
You may NOT copy any registered product, software, test question, study guide, or related document, to any other computer. You may NOT share course subscription access credentials such as user name and password with any other user. You may NOT permit the public viewing or use of any ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. registered Product (i.e. software or study guide).
No warranty is expressed or implied. All information provided by contractors or staff of ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL, or within Content (such as test questions, practice tests, databases, web-based training, etc.), software, Products, and all related information is provided on an "as-is" basis with no warranty or fitness implied. The user agrees that the various Independent Contractor Authors, Publishers, ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL Staff, and ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL, shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the Product, or any information contained on the ITAcademy, IT Professionals SRL Web Site or from the use of any ITAcademy, IT Professionals SRL related information, software, or training programs. Use of any information posted at http://www.itacademy.ro/, http://www.isacademy.ro/, http://www.itware.ro/, or use of any suggestions or recommendations made by ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL or its staff, or use of any information within any other product or software provided or owned by ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL, is used entirely at your own risk.
Any type of copying of any Product, software, or product content to another computer is prohibited by Copyright Law and/or International Treaties. All Products (e.g. software, practice tests, and web-based training) are licensed to the individual or entity (user as defined in this EULA) on per-user basis.
The user agrees with the terms of all sections of this agreement.
Section 1c: Product Support: Product support for this Product shall be provided for the duration of the subscription period purchased.
Section 2: Copyright Status, Warning and Disclaimer:
ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. Web Site (located at http://www.itacademy.ro/, http://www.isacademy.ro/, or http://www.itware.ro/), its applications, graphics, software, Content (such as Test Questions, Databases, documents, study guides, web-based training, etcetera), this document, and all related documentation are Copyright © 2002-2006 by ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. All rights reserved. Portions of the data contained within the Content (eg. Test Questions or Study Guide) or Products are Copyright © 2001-2006 by the Independent Contractor Author, and are being distributed by ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. under Signed Distribution Contract.
All ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL Content, Products, (e.g. study guides, practice tests, etc), and/or material is NOT sponsored by, endorsed by or affiliated with any other company.
Any Copyright, Confidential Information, Intellectual Property, NDA, or Trademark or Servicemark infringements discovered on or within the ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. Web Site, Study Guides, Test Questions, Software Products, or web-based training Products will be immediately removed upon notification and verification. Upon discovery of any violation, the User agrees to contact ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL immediately, prior to filing any law suit, so the offending material can be removed from sale (see Copyright section 5 below for details).
Section 3: Trademark Acknowledgements:
The use of any acronym or term on or within any ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. Product, Content, Web Site, Study Guides, or within the Testing Software should not be regarded as affecting the validity or ownership of or as a challenge to any trademark or servicemark. All trademarks, servicemarks, registered trademarks, and registered servicemarks, mentioned in this document, on the web site, or within any Product, Content, study guide, or software, are the property of their respective owners.
Every effort has been made to acknowledge all trademarks and servicemarks, however neither ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL nor the Independent Contractor Author can attest to the accuracy of that information. Every effort has been made so that all acronyms, names, and terms stated or mentioned on the ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. Web Sites, Study Guides, Software, Products, and other materials, that are known to be Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, Servicemarks, or Registered Servicemarks have been either capitalized or indicated with the ® or ™ symbol. ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL, its Authors, and General Staff, cannot attest to the accuracy of this information.
Known Trademark acknowledgements are as follows:
All ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL Content, Products, (eg. study guides, practice tests, web-based training, etcetera), and/or material is not sponsored by, endorsed by or affiliated with Information Systems Audit and Controls Association (ISACA), or any other company. ISACA®, CISA™, CISM™, the CISA logo, the CISM logo, and the ISACA logo are trademarks, servicemarks, or registered trademarks or service marks of Information Systems Audit and Controls Association in Romania and certain other countries. ITIL® and PRINCE2® are Trade Marks of the Office of Government Commerce of the UK. ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark, and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office IT Infrastructure Library® is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce. ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL, ISAcademy, ITAcademy™, and the ITAcademy™ logo are registered trademarks or service marks of IT Professionals SRL. All Rights Reserved. The PRINCE2 Cityscape logo(tm) is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries. PRINCE2® is a Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
Please send any additions or corrections to this list.
The user agrees to contact ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. prior to filing any TradeMark or ServiceMark law suit dispute, to give ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. the opportunity to correct or modify the offending materials.
Section 4: General Company Information:
In an effort to keep costs down, ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL.:
The following web sites are a partial listing of web sites that are either owned, operated, or contracted for hosting services by ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL, and as such the user agrees to contact ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. prior to filing any law suit or claim to the ownership of the following domain names, to give ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL the opportunity to resolve the issue prior to engaging in any legal action:
Section 5: Copyright Statement
ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. disclaims any responsibility for the content of any third party or contracted materials provided through or on any ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL associated Internet website (See Section 4).
ITAcademy™, IT Professionals SRL. does desire to respect all copyrights and to respond accordingly when notified of the infringement of those rights. Therefore, if you believe that any such third party materials infringe your intellectual property rights, the user and/or general public agrees to contact the following agent to request a review of the alleged infringement prior to filing any law suit or legal action:
Attn: IT Professionals SRL
+40 744 276515